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We almost jumped with joy when Flair Gymnastics asked us to put together these trampolining printed badges, but then we decided to leave the jumping to the professionals while we stuck to what we were good at: creating high-quality printed badges.

Flair Gymnastics teach both children and adults to trampoline and their whole undertaking puts a real spring in our step! Cleverly, Flair’s printed badges both promote the club to the outside world, but also encourage their members to improve.

Not only do Flair’s printed badges celebrate their member’s trampolining successes but they also serve as a reward scheme to push their members to reach new heights! The printed badges we made for Flair come in a huge range of colours to represent different levels within the club. Fortunately, all of Golden Finishes's printed and embroidered products, including our printed badges, come in a whole spectrum of colours so we could create different printed badges for every trampolining level!

If Flair Gymnastic’s members decide to add their printed badges to their trampolining gear they can bounce away, happy in the knowledge that the high quality of our printed badges means that they will last and stay looking great no matter how high they jump!

To find out more about creating printed badges to promote or inspire your club, team, school or society, take a look through our website. Our printed badges are really easy to create and put together. Just upload your text, images and instructions and we will make you a fantastic selection of printed badges!